
About Sara



"This book is dedicated to the creators of this world, the artists, the writers and the musicians who continue to add beauty to our lives. To the bands that provide the soundtracks to our day, our break-ups, our busy work schedules, our road trips, parties and one and on. Thank you.

Also, to their fans. The people who feel lost, who found comfort and solace and even familiy through the music we listen to. To the folks reading this, I pray you find peace.

To my best friend, car consultant, therapist, dad, brother, and travel buddy, Jim, thanks for all your support all these years.

Deepest thanks to my editor. You helped me be a better writer.

To my favorite bands: Thank you for saving me countless times. Especially in 2017. And every year since 2003, who am I kidding? Thank you for helping me not feel so alone here and for giving me the strength I needed at times.

Lastly, but most importantly, to my hero, Chester Bennington. None of this would have gotten started if it weren't for you. Thank you for your endless love you grought to the world, for the inspiration and for the music that got me through some of my darkest nights. I couldn't think of a better person to name my character after.

I miss you tremendously."


For updates on Sara, as well as Sticken news, follow her on Facebook and Twitter below.